
Here's some stuff.

Why I Don't Argue

Posted April 3, 2022  ‐  8 min read

Garbage in, garbage out

Posted April 5, 2019  ‐  6 min read

Review: Asuka 120% Final

A first try of the Asuka 120% games.

Posted April 1, 2019  ‐  6 min read

CMSes and static content generators

Posted April 1, 2019  ‐  3 min read

Comeback Time

It's that time again. I've decided to reboot everything and start from scratch. I'm not going to pretend that I will keep this going this time, but I'm going to try to more than other attempts in the past years.

Posted March 31, 2019  ‐  1 min read

Concrete Donkey Kong

A review of The Statues That Walked.

Posted November 27, 2017  ‐  4 min read